Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Compare And Contrast - Hephaestus

So one of the first things I did when I returned to Montana was work on building my portfolio. Sterling and I talked and agreed that some of my previous illustrations had potential, but needed work. So here is the first one, Hephaestus. I really like the drawing on this, and felt it was a good image, but the values were holding it back. So after working on it a little, what do you guys think of the new and improved(?) Hephaestus?

*UPDATE* So thanks to John, I figured out what was wrong with my file. Stupid CMYK/RGB settings. Now you can really see how bad and washed out the original was.

1 comment:

coloredsock said...

hey Matt! it's nice to see you here. i hope everything is going well for you. i bet it's hard juggling the full-time job thing, but hang in there! and just keep the energy going with your art.

this piece came a long way!--sometimes it's so much easier to see what was lacking before (in this case, value and maybe a little confidence) after you get it to where it needs to go.it's much better. aren't you happier with it?

ps can't wait to see your new site! i'm redoing mine now, too...