Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holiday Bird

So yeah, I'm not dead.  I have just been swamped at work, and it's been following me home.  But hopefully, I'll be able to post more things as I get into the holiday spirit. I just wanted to make a cute little image, using cut paper.  There will be a second one coming soon, so watch out for that.  Tell me what you think.


Anna Luther said...

1.) Welcome Back
2.) holycraploveitandlovethetexture
3.) send it to me now. i mean united postal service style.

Cateris said...

I am developing a keen sense of precisely how cute something can be, and I have to say.... that is one cute little birdie. :)

Lizbeth Quispe said...

This is really cute. love it.

Arrolynn said...

Aww I love the bird and especially the texture. I also really liked your halloween pieces. I've never seen such a perfect old Aunti vampire!!