Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Juggler

So, here we go. I've been pretty busy at work, but I decided I wanted to paint something. I came up with this quick thumbnail and then just dived in. It's just an image, with no real concept behind it.

I didn't know which direction I wanted to take with it, so I decided to do of them - one digital and one in acrylic. I like aspects of both, but the digital one just feels cleaner. The colors on the acrylic one seem really garish on the computer, but it doesn't seem this way in person. Well, any opinions would be great.


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othbot said...

hey matt. i thing the ditigal one is cleaner but the acrylic has some nice variation in color and textures that your ditial one lacks- you should take a high res- traditional one- and super improse the color variations back into the the digital one with photo shop!

that we you will ahve the uber- control of digital-color and crispness- and still ahve those nice painted variations and cool brush strokes

Unknown said...

Hi Matt! It's been a long time! I hope you don't mind me popping in like this.

The digital is cleaner, but the objects don't appear to recede in space and end up piled on top of each other. I think part of that is the dark objects (the blanket on the elephant, the rim of the ring) behind objects that are the same value or lighter. The spacial relationship is definitely clearer in the acrylic version.

I prefer the acrylic, because of that. One suggestion would be to lighten the lines in the elephants skin to almost the same value, and let the subtle rendering speak for itself.

-------- said...

Digital is always cleaner :)

In the acrylic one, there is more clarity with the drapery on the elephants back. The digital one looks like some kind of square thing. Overall all I like the digital on better! I always thought your work was jawesome! Love the colors, they make me happy.

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Lizbeth Quispe said...

Hey Matt. I like the cleaness of the digital one too, but I also like the deeper colors of the acrylic one. I guess that's just a re-iteration of the past comments. It's a cute piece. I like elephants.

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