A work there has been a recurring theme of Wolverine, and I've been a little unmotivated. But for some strange reason, when it came to decorate a friends birthday present, who would pop into my head other than Wolverine. So yes, here he is.
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Hey Matt, how's life? Congrats on the Disney internship! I really like your cut paper piece of the scarecrow. Good luck with everything and write a note sometime when you get a chance.
Hello, um so was it hard to get an internship with Disney, and do you enjoy interning there? not to be nosie, but i'm working on being an illustrater or something along those lines. I hope to see your art in the Disney future, because it is amazing, sorry the easest way for me to say that like your style.
Hey Matt, how's life? Congrats on the Disney internship! I really like your cut paper piece of the scarecrow. Good luck with everything and write a note sometime when you get a chance.
This piece speaks to me. It says, "yes, I am supposed to exist. I am destined. I am Happy Birthday." Gravitas!
Hello, um so was it hard to get an internship with Disney, and do you enjoy interning there? not to be nosie, but i'm working on being an illustrater or something along those lines. I hope to see your art in the Disney future, because it is amazing, sorry the easest way for me to say that like your style.
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