Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tree House Revisited

I was looking at my portfolio the other day, and felt like I needed more environments.  Not that this is really an environment, more of a design. Anyway, another realisation is that I need to flesh out pieces in my portfolio.  I have so many things that are just one shots, and not a lot of exploring every aspect of a project, from environments to turn-a-rounds and expressions to prop designs. Well, hopefully I'll have more time to round out some ideas I have.   Tell me what you think.


Maria said...

Matt I love this.. and Reggie too. I especially like how you're staring to use textures and stuff. It looks amazing. Keep it up. And business trip to Utah.... Look at Mr. Corporate! ;)

Sarah Watts said...

Looks awesome Matt! I love how you are building form!

Anna Luther said...

itsa bayoootiful

Duncan Barton said...

hey Matt, nice work- I really like the finished environment you've got a couple posts ago. Thanks for sharing!

mattcrotts said...

excellent tree house! i very much like it.
can't wait to see what you do with this family project!